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How to use GtkRadiant with Quake or Tenebrae 1.x
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quakev3.qe4 and quake.def
The quakev3.q34 file tells GtkRadiant where to look for certain files and folders. If you have a configuration problem check this file and the file first.
  1. Copy d:\quake3\baseq3\scripts\quakev3.qe4 to d:\quake\id1\scripts\quakev3.qe4
  2. Open d:\quake\id1\scripts\quakev3.qe4 in Notepad
  3. Press CTRL+H to perform a search and replace. Enter baseq3 as the find option and id1 as the replace option. Hit Replace All. If you are mapping for Tenebrae only, use tenebrae instead of id1 here.
  4. Save and close the file
The .def file can be called anything you want but must have a .def file extension. You can only have one .def file in your d:\quake\id1\scripts folder. SleepwalkR's Java Map Converter comes with a quake1.def file which is fine for standard Quake editing. If you are editing for Tenebrae you may be more interested in my quake.def file which has more information about the Tenebrae based entities and a few of the non-standard entities. My quake.def file also includes a model path for some of the items. This allows GtkRadiant to render md3's in the camera view of the editor. You will also need my editor_md3s file.

Make a choice between SleepwalkR's quake1.def (that comes with the map converter) or my quake.def file and place one of them into your d:\quake\id1\scripts folder. Do NOT place both of them into the folder (unless you change the file extension).

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