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How to use GtkRadiant with Quake or Tenebrae 1.x
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Start GtkRadiant
We are now ready to start GtkRadiant. If you have done everything in this how-to, GtkRadiant will start without a problem first go. If you have missed one simple step there is every chance you will have a problem :] There is also a chance that GtkRadiant may crash the very first time you run it. This is a weird bug that sometimes happens.

The default layout is by far the best layout of editing with some re-sizing of the window frames (here is a screenshot of my set-up). The default colours however suck :] The first thing to do is change them. Goto Misc -> Colors -> Maya/Max/Lightwave. Ahh, that looks better. You can customise most of the editing colours under Misc -> Colors. The rest of the interface colours can be changed with a file called radiantgtkrc. Place this file into your d:\GtkRadiant folder and edit (in Notepad) to taste.

The next thing to do is get the tool bar down to a usable size and to change a few other settings. Press P (for Preferences). Under Display -> 2D Display/Rendering, select Display size info. Under Interface -> Layout, un-tick Patch Toolbar, Plugin Toolbar and Wide Toolbar. You will now need to restart GtkRadiant.

I highly recommend reading over the manuals that can be found in the d:\GtkRadiant folder as well as exploring the menu options and other settings.

You are now set-up and ready to map!

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